Thursday, May 22, 2014

With so many options it can be a bit daunting choosing a Hair loss Shampoo.  The most useful advice I can give is to steer clear of products that contain a lot of harmful chemicals.  When choosing a hair loss shampoo you want to stick to the most natural product available.  Combining a good lifestyle with your hair loss shampoo can bring drastic results as well.  Here are a few tips that can help you on your way to a full and lush set of hair.

1)      Eat more protein rich foods.  One of the major components in hair is Keratin which is made by protein.  Protein also helps in the development of blood cells.  Red blood cells help in carrying oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. In the case of insufficient calories the body uses protein as a fuel source so that the machine is always running and sufficient oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the maintenance of your hair follicles.

2)      Hats and wigs. The belief that wearing hats causes balding is actually a myth.  The human head loses around 100 hair follicles a day.  After a while these hair build up in your cap giving the impression that you are losing a lot of hair.  Even though it is a myth there is some truth behind it.  Hats can cause hair loss if not used properly.  A hat that is too tight can cut off circulation to your hair follicles resulting in hair loss.  Wigs and hairpieces may also damage your hair follicles. Keep a look out for dirty caps as well.  A dirty cap can lead to a scalp infection, which can accelerate hair loss. 

3)      Take care of the hair you have.  Try washing your hair sparingly.  Try using a hair loss shampoo two to three times a week.  Anymore than that can be excessive.  Also consider using a hair loss shampoo hat does not contain sulfates or parabens. Beides being harmful to the environment these chemicals don’t add much to the health of your hair.

4)      Reduce your stress.  One of the causes of hair loss is stress.  When I say stress I am not referring to the stress one feels when they are late to work or when a report is due.  No the stress I speak of is more chronic one that is always lingering not allowing for a moment of peace.  Stress has been linked to three types of hair loss. 

·         Telogen effluvium:  Constant stress causes a large amount of hair follicles into a resting phase. At this phase hair is not growing, after a few months one can see a large amount of hair suddenly fall out while combing or showering.

·         Trichotillomania:  This is a condition which causes a person to pull out their own hair due to stress.  This constant pulling of hair follicles may damage the roots permanently not allowing for hair to grow back. Case may be so extreme that people start to pull hair off any part of the body, ranging anywhere from eyelashes to body hair. 

·         Alopecia areata.  Chronic stress has been linked with Alopecia areata, in which the bodies own immune system start to attack hair follicles resulting in hair loss.

So remember, at the end of the day just take better care of your body.  Yes hair loss is also associated with genes but by using these helpful tips along with a Hair Loss Shampoo the odds are in your favor.  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

One in every five American couples seeks infertility care and even a higher percentage of men are deemed infertile. Infertility might not be regarded as big as the major diseases like cancer but is also difficult to treat due to the anonymity of those affected. Men are expected to start a family and along with his wife, build the foundation for a home. It is because of this that after they reach a certain age, men want to settle down and have children. Those who cannot feel that society shuns them and alienate themselves and due to embarrassment refuse to seek medical attention. What these males need to understand is that they are not alone and that more than 20% of American couples seek medical attention due to this problem. In such cases help from a Urologist New York is necessary.

Surprisingly, only half of couples who are trying to become pregnant achieve pregnancy easily and about one in ten American couples of reproductive age are involuntary infertile, male infertility accounts for half of these cases. Infertility has always been a prevailing problem but despite this, infertility evaluations are done more on women because they tend to seek gynecological care while men are reluctant to visit a Urology doctor New York.

The actual cause of infertility in men is unknown but there are a variety of factors that influence heavily. It ranges from hormonal imbalances, to physical problems, to psychological and/or behavioral problems. In essence, fertility is a reflection of a man’s health. Men who lead a healthy lifestyle are more likely to produce healthy sperm. The following are proven to be causes of male infertility.

·         Recreational Drug Use
·         Smoking- Smoking cigarettes significantly decreases sperm count
·         Chronic alcohol abuse
·         Excessive stress
·         Intense exercise can produce high levels of adrenal steroid hormones which cause a               testosterone deficiency
·         Tight underwear can increase scrotal temperature which can cause a reduction in sperm         count.

Those are the most common causes for infertility in men and modifying these behaviors can improve a man’s fertility. Unfortunately, once a man is diagnosed as infertile it is only through treatment and therapy can a man increase his possibilities. There is no cure but treatment is proven to help in most cases.
Visiting a Urology doctor NYC can be a scary thought. We all think urologist New York and consider painful procedures and long wait times. When choosing the right urologist you want someone with experience and customer satisfaction. You want someone that has been referred to you by thousands of satisfied clients. At the Luzato Medical Group you get all of that. Luzato Medical Group is run by Dr. Jack Bruder and is in the heart of Manhattan. With more than 25 years experience Dr. Bruder is your UrologistManhattan.

Services offered


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nothing beats traveling the southeast in spring.  Summer is quickly approaching.  Soon the days of humidity so thick that you can cut through it with a knife will be upon us. So why not take the opportunity and go on a road trip.  Road trips are as American as apple pie.  It is estimated that a quarter of the population takes some sort of road trip a year. 

My personal favorite thing about road trips is the freedom.  Making decisions on the fly, not knowing what’s up next is part of the fun.  When taking a road trip always remember to allow yourself enough time to truly absorb your surroundings.  Nothing is worse than rushing through a road trip.  I recently gave myself a week vacation with the family which had us visiting our south east states.  At first I thought this trip would be stressful considering that I would be driving a few hundred miles with my three kids in the back, but I was pleasantly surprised.   A few weeks back my son had the misfortune of being injured which resulted in swollen tissue around his spinal cord leaving him temporarily paralyzed.  He was very adamant on not canceling our family vacation.  Luckily for us we found Wheelers of North Carolina Wheelchair Van rentals services to help us with our journey.  With fully loaded vans we were able to continue on our journey.

Our state for exploration was North Carolina.  With its quant neighborhoods and great barbeque, North Carolina is on the top of my list of states I need to revisit.  Seeing that North Carolina is the capital of Nascar racing we decided to go to a race one night.  I had always wondered how people could enjoy watching cars go around in circles. Now I know why.  This is pure adrenaline to the max! Our next stop was the Great Smoky Mountains.  Now I will admit I am not a wilderness kind of guy but I have to say I held my own out there.  My first day fishing in 20 years and I bagged myself two wily brooks and three rainbow trout. (guess what’s for dinner!) The trails are incredible the nights peaceful, unfortunately we had to depart after only two days (the boys were getting restless).  For our last leg of the trip we decided to bring it back to Charlotte.  After eating trout and canned beans for two days our taste buds were looking for something a bit more interesting to savor.  We decided on The Kings Kitchen for brunch, where they served up some southern classics such as shrimp and grits and biscuits and gravy.  We washed it down with some sweet tea and we were all set for the day.  The best part of it all is that Kings Kitchen is a not for profit business. All dishes are made using local ingredients and the proceeds go back into the community helping people in need.  After a very eventful day we retreaded back to our hotel.  We chose to stay at The Duke Mansion.  The Duke Mansion offers the modern day comforts with southern charm and elegance. 

All in all our family trip was very enjoyable.  Thanks to Wheelers Wheelchair Van Rentals we were able to visit every location on our agenda.  If you’re ever in the southeast area and find yourself in need of handicapped accessible vehicles make sure to use North Carolina WheelchairVan Rentals, South Carolina Wheelchair Van Rentals, Orlando Wheelchair VanRentals or Florida Wheelchair Van Rentals.  Trust me you’ll be glad you did.  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Urology is known to us as the study of the male and female urinary tract. A physician who has specialized knowledge and skill regarding all of these problems is known as a urologist. Due to the variety of clinical problems seen throughout the journey of a urologist, knowledge of internal medicine, gynecology and other specialties are required. Though the name urologist is relatively new in the history of our race, studies have shown that procedures, research and diseases have been traced to ancient times. The name may not have been ‘Urologist NYC’ but similar procedures were done that laid the fabric for what we know as urology today. A common problem some men face during their lifetime is the presence of bladder stones. Bladder stones are stones found in the urinary bladder. They are small mineral masses that develop in the bladder, usually when urine becomes concentrated.

Ancient History
Ancient Egypt was circa 3000 years before Christ. Egyptians were pioneers in pretty much every field of modern medicine and urology is no exception. Bladder stones have been found in Egyptian mummies and circumcision is believed to have been practiced in Egypt thousands of years ago.  Ritual circumcision was also practiced in biblical regions on the eighth day of life by ancient Hebrews as evidence of a deal between God and Abraham.

Hippocrates Era
The oath of Hippocrates is an oath taken by all physicians and other healthcare professionals swearing to
practice medicine honestly. This was said to be written by Hippocrates which is known as the father of western medicine. During this era (circa 460 BC) bladder stones were common due to dietary deficiencies and bladder obstruction. It was only until the renaissance and middle ages that bladder stones really became known.

Middle Ages and Renaissance
During this era, ancient Hindu surgeon attempted to remove bladder stones via an incisions but the procedure was not performed properly until 1556 when Pierre Franco successfully performed such procedure on a child. Franco preferred the approach via the perineum and this is also when the lithotomy position was born which is also the preferred and most used position for childbirth.

We have come a long way from these painful procedures and uncertainty when it comes to urology related issues. Thousands of years have passed and advancements in science and technology have allowed us to become more knowledgeable about diseases but we still have a lot to learn. Technology gives us the opportunity to advance in all fields and one day eradicate diseases that at one point were impossible to treat. Luckily, in the field of urology, there are centers that help us with our problems and provide not just physical but psychological care. Specialists at Luzato Medical Group provide guidance and treat a variety of conditions. At Luzato Medical Group you will find a Urology doctor NYC, urologist New York, premature ejaculation doctor NYC and erectile dysfunctiondoctor NYC. Contact Luzato today. 
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