Urology is
known to us as the study of the male and female urinary tract. A physician who
has specialized knowledge and skill regarding all of these problems is known as
a urologist. Due to the variety of clinical problems seen throughout the
journey of a urologist, knowledge of internal medicine, gynecology and other
specialties are required. Though the name urologist is relatively new in the history
of our race, studies have shown that procedures, research and diseases have
been traced to ancient times. The name may not have been ‘Urologist NYC’ but
similar procedures were done that laid the fabric for what we know as urology
today. A common problem some men face during their lifetime is the presence of
bladder stones. Bladder stones are stones found in the urinary bladder. They
are small mineral masses that develop in the bladder, usually when urine
becomes concentrated.
Ancient History
Egypt was circa 3000 years before Christ. Egyptians were pioneers in pretty
much every field of modern medicine and urology is no exception. Bladder stones
have been found in Egyptian mummies and circumcision is believed to have been
practiced in Egypt thousands of years ago. Ritual circumcision was also practiced in
biblical regions on the eighth day of life by ancient Hebrews as evidence of a
deal between God and Abraham.
The oath of
Hippocrates is an oath taken by all physicians and other healthcare
professionals swearing to
practice medicine honestly. This was said to be
written by Hippocrates which is known as the father of western medicine. During
this era (circa 460 BC) bladder stones were common due to dietary deficiencies
and bladder obstruction. It was only until the renaissance and middle ages that
bladder stones really became known.
Middle Ages and Renaissance
During this
era, ancient Hindu surgeon attempted to remove bladder stones via an incisions
but the procedure was not performed properly until 1556 when Pierre Franco
successfully performed such procedure on a child. Franco preferred the approach
via the perineum and this is also when the lithotomy position was born which is
also the preferred and most used position for childbirth.
We have come
a long way from these painful procedures and uncertainty when it comes to
urology related issues. Thousands of years have passed and advancements in
science and technology have allowed us to become more knowledgeable about diseases
but we still have a lot to learn. Technology gives us the opportunity to
advance in all fields and one day eradicate diseases that at one point were
impossible to treat. Luckily, in the field of urology, there are centers that
help us with our problems and provide not just physical but psychological care.
Specialists at Luzato Medical Group provide guidance and treat a variety of
conditions. At Luzato Medical Group you will find a Urology doctor NYC,
urologist New York, premature ejaculation doctor NYC and erectile dysfunctiondoctor NYC. Contact Luzato today.
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